...5 kids, 4 adults, 3 sleeping bags, 2 cars, 1 baby, and a whole lot of A/C?
Answer: a party with the cousins!
Hooray for the Andrew & Courtenay South family! We had such a great visit with them Saturday. The kids had a blast playing together and then we all "bonded," almost literally, as we practically froze to death eating out. [Word to the wise: bring a coat when eating out in Texas. It may be hot outside, but they like to over-compensate by cranking the a/c.]
Unfortunately the visit was pretty short. We did our best trying to keep them longer, but all we got was a sleepover party for the kids and movie date for the parents. But we'll take what we can get!
Thanks so much for visiting! Come back soon!
the Munchkins
Andrea & Lacie
Hailey, Eric & Macey
Courtenay & Andrew's nose and chin
January 2025
3 weeks ago
Looks like a blast! I'm jealous ;o)
(This is Courtenay) Jeanette...it was a blast to see you and your family. We snuck off at 7:15 am and made it home with just enough time to get ready for church (turns out the drive is 3 hrs 15 min). In about 45 minutes we had the entire clan showered, dressed, and out the door for church (too bad we couldn't make use of the fancy shower head that Mark installed). I wish we could have lingered longer...but...here's to good times...may there be more to come! You guys rock!
Oh, and by the way, I think I'm getting a cold...kidding!
That looks so fun!! Aren't cousins the best? :)
I can tell from Andrew's chin that he is having a good time.
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