okay, so since I've already confused a few poor souls from my last cryptic post, I figure I ought to clear things up.
Yes, I'm pregnant.
No, I'm not 5 months along.
Yes, I'm due in November.
Yes, I have a lot of "baby weight," but since it's from a previous baby and not this one I'm going to just say that I'm further along than I really am, but still be honest by stating the real due date.
(During my last pregnancy I told a nosy store clerk that I was a month further along than I really was and she still asked, "How many do you have in there?!!" Stupid, stupid woman.)
Sorry for all the secrecy. I should have already been in to see my doc, but since I haven't and therefore haven't heard the heartbeat and had that confirmation that everything is okay so far it kind of makes me nervous announcing anything. But apparently I didn't need to bother announcing it! haha...errr.....hmmm.... Sad.
January 2025
3 weeks ago
hey hey hey, congratulations! :)
Congrats! Crazy, I thought I actually heard something about that but I didn't know if there was any truth to it - and since I wouldn't say anything unless it's pretty darn OBVIOUS...b/c that's just rude! Don't people know pregnant women are incredibly hormonal? And you must be feeling ok or you just hide it well :) Anyway, congrats!
Wow! That's great, Jeanette! Congratulations to both you and Mark! I think it's fantastic - oh, and enjoy these next "four" ;)months with you little girls! (it takes awhile after the 3rd to get back into the swing of things!)
You'll be an amazing "mommy of 3"! And yes, we'd LOVE to have you come visit our kitty! I would like to see if he'll warm up to kids, or just run and hide... Right now, I know he'll just run--he runs when we walk in the front door, until we talk him back out again.... Maybe in a few weeks...? ;)
Yay! congrats!
This is my third attempt at this comment so hopefully my internet doesn't crash before I'm done.
Congratulations on the pregnancy! I know I've been gone for a couple weeks, but the last time I saw you I thought about telling you how great you looked. I never would have guessed you were pregnant.
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