You know your role as "mom" is getting to you when...
1: Your body is trained to sleep only 6 hrs at a time.
2: Your days and nights are "mixed up".
3: Personal hygiene is at an all-time low.
4: Unexpected visitors while using the facilities or showering is perfectly normal.
5: A "balanced" meal is when you can make it through dinner without any tantrums.
6: You have a special relationship with Ronald McDonald.
7: Going to the grocery store by yourself is as good as winning the lottery.
8: The idea of exercising regularly is overwhelming, yet on a daily basis you heft a toddler, an infant, the infant's carrier, a 10-lb diaper bag, your purse, the toddler's stuffed horse, 2 bags of groceries, and a gallon of milk.
9: You find yourself saying everything in sing-song.
10: "Games" are what you call clever ideas to trick kids into eating, cleaning, bathing, etc.
11: While standing still you find yourself rocking back and forth - even when you aren't holding a baby.
12: Barbie, Cinderella, Ariel, & Belle are frequent guests in your home.
13: Your house is littered with little shoes.
14: Swimsuits are not your friend.
15: You find yourself looking to Elmo for wisdom and advice.
16: Your doorknobs are all covered with "kid-proof" protectors that only make it hard for you to open; not your kids.
17: "Going potty" is something you celebrate.
18: You have a zillion pictures of your kids, but can't find a recent one of you.
19: You consider buying frames for the "artwork" on your walls as opposed to cleaning it off... again.
20: You avoid your kitchen in attempts to forget how desperately it needs cleaning.
21: You know the location of every bathroom in every store and the fastest route to each one.
22: Goldfish and Kool-Aid are staples in your pantry.
23: You start wondering if Calgon really can take you away?
24: You have every kid song from every kid movie memorized. And then you find yourself singing them in the checkout line.
25. In one day you change from a princess to a horse, to the monster, to someone walking her dog, to fellow lion, to doctor, to toy-fixer and doll-dresser, to the mermaid nemesis, to storyteller, to exhausted in bed.
January 2025
3 weeks ago
Why did all of that sound so familiar? I'd have to add that when you play "Name that movie" all of the picks come from Pixar, Disney and Barbie (and that's Jon doing most of the quoting ;o)
It's funny that you brought attention to these mom habits. On some of them I thought, "Oh yeah, I guess 'normal' people don't do that."
I second that!!!
:D That's hilarious!!
Take heart! Not really neurosis/psychosis - it's treatable over time, though mild recurrences appear with grandkids.
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