After 2 weeks in a row of enduring awful and insensitive remarks to me at church I have decided I've had enough. I realize that the well-intended-but-grossly-mistaken people behind the remarks were probably not meaning to make me feel bad or self-conscious, or like punching them in the nose. Just like people who don't know you made the meal are not meaning to tell you that you're a bad cook when they spit out the food and warn you not to eat it because of how horrible it is. Regardless, it is neither fun nor complimentary to stand there and try to keep your dignity intact while being emotionally assaulted by the dim-witted who obviously gave no thought to what their words implied.
when next you see me DO NOT ask, "is this your 3rd?" and point to my belly. And DO NOT ask, "Have you been pregnant this whole time and I'm just the last one to find out?!" Because, as much self-restraint as I have, I don't know that I can keep my leg from violently twitching in your direction any longer.
Instead, you might say, "I heard a rumor that you're pregnant and I thought you look so fabulous that there just is no way that could be true. But just to be sure I thought I might check with you so as to clear it up."
To which I will reply, "Why thank you! Actually I am 5 months along, can you believe it? ... although I'm not due until November."
January 2025
3 weeks ago
I hear you. A classic I recorded in my journal goes like this, "My friend is due the same time as you and she's just barely starting to show. But wow! I look at you and, woah! You're REALLY showing."
It's amazing what people will actually say to a pregnant woman who not only has abnormal amounts of hormones flowing through her veins, but who is uncomfortably larger than she'd like to be (hello! red flag!). It seems like once you're pregnant you are free game. Go figure.
Around the same time as the foolish chick above, I recorded Molly's forever treasured comment to me, "Now did you get smaller... from the last time I saw you? You look great!" Maybe she was stretching the truth, but I didn't care. It left me feeling so happy!
Once again, congratulations!! :D
Grocery store cashier: "Are you having twins?"
My sister-in-law Molly: "No."
Bagger: "Are you sure?"
People just don't think. I'm sorry! You do have a punching bag, right? Maybe that could help.
I heard a rumor that you're pregnant and I thought you look so fabulous that there just is no way that could be true. But just to be sure I thought I might check with you so as to clear it up.
j/k. you look great Jeanette. Next time punch them in the nose. And of course, CONGRATULATIONS!!! you have a beautiful family.
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