So it was around 10:30pm and I was driving home from McKinney, which, by the way, is WAY longer of a drive than I thought. I had just picked up my 3rd-in-a-month craigslist steal, when all of a sudden there was this BAM! It was dark and a little rainy, so I couldn't see where it came from and then again, BAM! BAM!
Worried, I started looking around wondering what the heck was going on and BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! ... BAM! ... BAM! BAM! ... BAM! BAM! BAM! ... BAM!BAM!BAM!BAM!BAM!
I couldn't see it because the rain had started to pick up, but there was rubber-ball-sized hail suddenly pounding my car like crazy. It was so loud and so hard I started to get scared that it would break my windshield and knock me out or something! And it wasn't long before the hail was covering the road and it felt like I was driving on marbles -- on the freeway, through what was now a torrential downpour! It was awful! I've driven in rain that was so hard that I had to pull over, but it was never accompanied by wicked hail!
And the whole time I was driving I just kept thinking, "Oh! My poor car! My poor, poor car!"
Yep, sure enough, it took one heck of a beating. Stupid hail.
January 2025
3 weeks ago
Yikes! I think I'd have a heart-attack experiencing that! It's a good thing that Texas-sized hail stays in TX! That would've killed me on that run yesterday!
Everything is bigger in Texas, right?
First, I love craigslist! Second, how scary! Third, your poor car! :)
Ouch. Sorry to hear about your car...and your shaken nerves.
Yikes! I would be so mad about my car...and then I'd be even more upset by the fact that I can't yell at anyone for it!
Ohhh, that's scary!
Yikes! was that this week, same night as the tornado watch??
nope. night before. I can't seem to stay away from the storms!
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