So my birthday didn't quite go as planned... rough morning, Andrea wet the bed, girls fighting, sick, got up early to wait for the contractor who showed up a few hours later - just as I had given up and gotten back into bed, girls wouldn't nap, house still in chaos under construction, etc.
What to do? ... Go shopping of course! But instead of the regular, I decided it was high time to take care of the wreck that has been our yard. So we headed to Home Depot Nursery and came back home loaded with goodies.
The weather was PERFECT for working outside. The sun was shining and it was just chill enough that working up a good sweat felt great. Man it felt good to work outside and be productive! And Andrea had a blast making friends with the neighbor girl, Mia. She looks a couple years younger and doesn't speak any English, but apparently that doesn't matter when you're running around like airplanes.
Here is my finished product. (I'd show a 'before' picture, but that's just too embarrassing)
Afterwards, Andrea and I headed out to get a movie and birthday cake. The girls went bonkers when we let them have both the Texas Sheet-cake AND birthday cake. Pretty funny. And they were so cute about singing Happy Birthday and making sure I had candles to blow out. Andrea was most concerned about presents, despite how many times I had tried explaining that the flowers and kitchenaid were my presents. Mark chimed in that we were all sitting in Mommy's birthday present (kitchen remodeled), but she didn't really get it. There was no wrapping paper anywhere! How could there be presents? In a last-ditch effort, she slipped into the blessing, "and please bless Mama to have lots of presents to share with Andrea..."
Ahh, the mind of a 3-yr old...
January 2025
3 weeks ago
Happy Birthday! The house looks amazing! I didn't think it was yours. (I did see it before)
Wow! Your house looks beautiful. Way to go. Sounds like a real "mom's birthday" where you create pretty much everything about your day and decide what presents you'll have, etc. You took it like a champ! Happy, Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday! and your house is so cute!! I LOVE black and white, and I love the shutters! So pretty. Don't you love doing work on the house and then it looks so great? (not the working, I hate the working, I just like the feeling after!) And is your kitchen done? You need to post pictures, I really want to see it!
Happy Birthday! The yard looks great! I hate I didn't know it was your birthday. We need to go out to eat and celebrate! Let me know what works for you. :)
Happy Birthday Jeanette! I am sorry I didn't know it was your b-day. The house looks like it is coming along great. What a wonderful birthday present. Hope you had a fabulous day besides the bumps in the day.
Happy, Happy Birthday!! :P Your house really does look sharp--I'm so impressed with your gardening skills, etc. I love working outside, too! Thanks for letting us crash your house the other night... ;D
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