Friday, January 13, 2012

Bad Mom

I yelled at my kid this morning.

Yelled doesn't actually begin to cover it.
Total dress down.
And I'm good at that. Just ask Mark.
I was debate Queen in high school and I have the awards and titles to prove it.
And I ripped apart my 7 year old.

I could explain why I was upset; how she pushed me over the edge and 'had it coming.'
Doesn't matter.
I feel like crap.

A few General Conferences ago one of the apostles talked about yelling in the home. He said that as soon as you yell or shout the Holy Spirit leaves.
I think about that every time that I yell.
Every. single. time.

Did I mention I feel like crap?


me said...

A gift and a curse. We all have 'em.

GaryB said...

Been there, done that - it gets better.