Monday, January 16, 2012


At dinner a couple nights ago Andrea asked out of the blue,

"Mom? How do you think you would feel if, before you got married to Dad, a guy with no legs, but could fly, came and took Dad and hid him somewhere?"

I think my response right now is the same that I gave her:
"Wait... what?"


The next day the kids were looking at the pictures for my screen saver (I have it set up to just randomly cycle through my iPhotos). One came up of Mark and me at our wedding reception. Andrea saw it and asked incredulously,
"Mom?! You were at Dad's wedding?!"



Tess said...

HAHAHAHA! So random! I thought that was heading towards a decision to marry a 'whole' guy versus one with no legs but a compensory bonus of flight ability.... nope!

MY question is whether you would be more or less bummed about a flying guy with no legs taking and hiding your husband-to-be than you would be if he got stolen and stashed by some regular non-flying schmuck with legs??

Yeah... think about THAT!

Sally said...

That girl thinks DEEP. HA! :)