So I've been reading a lot about the aftermath of Prop 8. I guess it's a little hard to miss. Anyway, it's made me think about a lot of things. One thing is what I would say to an "opponent" so that it wasn't an ugly confrontation. Another is how I would explain WHY it's so important to me that the definition of marriage isn't changed - WHY I would be for "denying" the gay community that right - WHY I could be so "intolerant."
Here is what I came up with:
On the road we have bikers and we have car drivers. Both like to drive on the road. And we have laws & rules to make sure that the bikers are allowed safe passage on the road while at the same time not interrupting auto traffic.
Now, imagine if suddenly all the bikers demanded "equal rights" to all the roadways - like the freeways. If they wanted to be able to use the freeways and have every right as the cars, well, obviously that would be a mess. See, bikes are not cars. No matter how good of a biker you are, not even Lance Armstrong can bike 60 mph, let alone keep up with freeway traffic. It's a bike. No engine. Pedals. Self-propelled. IT IS NOT A CAR.
So that is how I look at the marriage thing. I don't want to see anyone not get to have rights to a patient in the hospital because they are the domestic partner and not blood or marriage related. I do think that's wrong along with a whole bunch of other equally wrong scenarios. But that's why they have the code in California law that allows for those rights. Just like the bikers on the road.
BUT if you try to say that because you can ride on one road that all of a sudden you should have the RIGHT to drive on EVERY road now -- well, not so good. Marriage is not a right. It is an institution given by God that the government recognizes. God set the parameters, not us. Not the government. Not the socially affluent of the world. And as soon as you start messing with that you're essentially putting yourself up there with God. Not cool in my eyes. Nor in God's for that matter. Regardless of the fact that yes, He does love everyone.
But really, if he meant for anyone to be able to be married, he would have provided for anyone to have kids together as well.
So as far as I am concerned, once Bill and Steve are able to procreate I will take that as God's blessing on gay marriage. Until then, bikes are not cars.
January 2025
3 weeks ago
Ah, well put.
Haha! I was thinking "well put" right as I was clicking in to make a comment. So I second that! :)
You're spot on, Net.
I'm with you...and I have a funny story for ya.
Where is this baby boy?? I don't live there anymore remember, I need pictures!!
Great analogy!
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