As a follow-up to the last post...
our plan right now is to bless Baby X this Sunday. As previously stated, we are no closer to having a name for him than we were 7 months ago.
I am looking for a name that isn't weird, but uncommon; unique.
Mark is concerned about him getting beat up at school for having a funny name.
January 2025
3 weeks ago
I don't know if you like them, but Timothy and Julian are both similar in meaning (energetic & powerful) to Emmett.
he is sooo cute. he needs a great name (although, i side with you in favor of emmett). i have a nephew named summit. kinda similar.
here are a few from my ongoing list:
drake (i love this one, but matt has vetoed it)
beck or beckham
eli or elijah
i can go weirder (is that a word?) if you want.
One of my new favorites is Tristan Aaron really favors Orrin (like orrin porter rockwell) Well good luck!!
I forgot one: Brock Viehweg. The only Brock I knew as a kid wasn't nice, so I never liked the name until I met Devin's cousin Brock, who is awesome. Now I like it quite a bit. Plus I think it goes well with your last name.
Wow, lots of great suggestions in here! Good luck :D
P.S. keep us posted on the blessing plans--we're totally coming!!
I just heard the baby name, Everett and I thought it was adorable. I can't use it though, because I heard it from my cousin! I think I'm liking Jack too.
wow. I love the response! these names are great!
see? I like to think I'm easy to please... :)
seriously though, thanks. most of these names are ones that we haven't yet considered, which is good, since at this point it's pretty much a stand-off on the names we each have and I really doubt either of us will cave.
keep 'em coming!
Too bad the kid can't decide for himself. This decision is so subjective the only way to make it is by pure opinion.
However, if you want my opinion, I would put aside what I/we/you want and think what he would want. It's probably safe to say that no boy--and certainly no boy of Mark-- would want a femmy name, so I think emmett, summit, and orange julius are out. Okay, emmett isn't that bad but I would at least spell it emmitt so he's named after a famous football player (from Dallas!) instead of some fantasy romance dude from a chick-book.
I can't really offer any suggestions because they would all be normal names and I have no idea what they would mean so I could never back them up.
All I can offer is that I stirred the pot a bit for you. Good luck!
I've always liked the name Kade. It's unusual, but nothing wierd. I think it's masculine.
I wish I had a great suggestion for you. I don't, but I do have a funny story. The other day I had a dream. While I was dreaming I knew that I was dreaming (if that makes any sense). I dreamed that you named your little boy, and I made a mental note to myself that when I woke up from this dream (remember, I knew that I was dreaming) I would have to call you right away and let you know that name. I was convinced, while I was dreaming, that the perfect name for your perfect baby had been revealed to me. Then I woke up. The name from the dream wasn't nearly as cool as I had thought and now I can't remember it anymore. Wired huh?!?!? Anyway, I thought it was a funny story and had to let you guys know that I am thinking of you!
I like the names Lincoln and Trey (Trey can mean 3 - like 3rd born)
I like Eliot, except for the fact that I'm reminded of E.T. and how that movie really freaked me out as a kid. Hmmm.. maybe I don't like it so much after all.
What ancestry do you guys have? Maybe something to do with your heritage?
Oh, what about Isaac?
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