Friday, May 23, 2008

Book Tag



1. Pick up the nearest book.
2. Turn to page 123.
3. Find the 5th sentence.
4. Post the 5th sentence on your blog.
5. Tag 5 people

Book: the LDS church Hymnal, HYMNS
"Our Fa-ther, God Of all cre-a-tion, hear us pray
In rev'rence, awed By thy Son's sac-ri-fice."

(for all you hymn-scholars, yes, that is Our Savior's Love, and yes it is #113, but it really is on pg. 123 'cause I counted, and yes, I went with full sentences.)

TAG: Molly, Keith, Rosie, Jon, & Jen (Lund)


Molly said...

I don't have 5 people to tag, so I'm putting it here:

Angels & Demons by Dan Brown
"Mortati knew that all the exits to Vatican City were guarded, and the missing cardinals could not have gone far, but still, with less than an hour before opening prayer, he was feeling disconcerted."

I'll have you know, this was a risk for me since I just started reading the book and don't even know who Mortati is. It could have spoiled everything!

MoM said...

I want to play!

"From the middle of the fifteenth century there had existed in the suburbs of Moscow a small colony of foreigners, chiefly Germans, Englishmen, and Scots, whose homes became a small island of Western culture in a Russia still in the Dark Ages."

Quoted from: The Development of Russian Pianist-composers through the Conservatory System: St. Petersburg and Moscow (1862-1917) by M'jean Lund (master's thesis) I had to fudge a bit, since there are not quite 123 pages.

Jon said...

O'Reilly's Building Cocoa Applications:

"This is because both the setStart: method and the setEnd: method discard the old values for the start and end variables without first releasing them."

me said...

"His face was round, and thick grey side-whiskers added to its width."

(from "Spiritual Lives of the Great Composers")