Saturday, May 10, 2008


Roadshow: the spectacle of a pregnant woman running a red light so that she can pull off the road in time to fling the door open and puke all over the road, but not in time to not require a hand to cover the mouth, keeping contents "in" before the door is flung open and therefore not able to put the car in PARK, so that as said woman is up-chucking the car is slowly running further off the road and down the hill.
Other motorists may participate by honking and cat-calling while passing the scene.


MoM said...

Congratulations on getting the door open.

Mommydew said...

Was that you?! haha ;) I remember those days, sorry. I feel for ya!

Sally said...

They didn't!

Keith said...

That is the funniest thing I have heard or read in days.

Courtenay said...

Courtenay here: I'm sorry you are so sick. But, just you have a funny story to look back at and laugh about. Right?!?!?!?

Mikel said...

How fun! Did you ever try those wrist band things?