Monday, March 3, 2008

Holy Crow! It's Snow!

Tonight we had a fun surprise visit from the Huffs. As they were leaving they shouted out to us that we needed to come outside and see something. I thought it was going to be something funny their son, Lathen, was doing. Nope. It was SNOW. And not just the wet, melt-before-it-hits-the-ground, Texas snow ---- real snow! Amazing! Mark and I were sad the girls weren't awake to see it - especially since Andrea has been talking about when she played in the snow with Grandma and Natalie and Amy the last couple days. :( But they were already in bed and I was not about to drag out snow pants so that I could fight them to get back in bed 2 hrs later. Oh well.

Our house...with snow!

the Huffs...taking a break from their snowball fight.



Mommydew said...

I'm so glad you got pictures of us. I bloglifted them, hope you don't mind?!

Jon said...

Silly Texans!