An actual prayer given by Andrea this morning
"Heavenly Father,
thank you for this day. Please bless the food. In the name of Jes...
and thank you for the gospel. And thank you for Daddy to go to work to buy food for Andrea and Lacie. And please bless us to be lovely. And thank you for Kyra and Aaron and Gabe and... and... Addison. And Kassi and Trevor and Ashlee. And please bless us to see Kassi. And thank you for Mama and Daddy and Andrea and Lacie.
In the name of Jesus Christ,
January 2025
3 weeks ago
That is SOO funny and adorable. You sure have your hands full, but kudos to you chick. You are an incredible mom! lets do something sometime! Call me when you can run away for a couple hours and we'll go catch a movie or something!
Your kids are too cute. I can barely get Ethan to even say a prayer, but once he tried to say thank you for coffee. I guess I've been watching a little too much Gilmore Girls with him around.
That prayer is SO CUTE! We'll have to make sure that she sees Kassi and Trevor and Ashlee soon. Seriously, that is so sweet.
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