Friday, January 15, 2010


Lacie, wrapped in a comforter, says: "Look! I'm a cloud!"

Andrea, pointing, asks: "Mom, why is your tummy so big?"

Okay, this next one isn't so much what they said, but what they did. I walked in to find Lacie "riding" on the stick-horse with Andrea carefully guiding her. When I asked what they were doing Andrea replied:
"We're playing Phantom of the Opera."

(for those of you who have not seen the movie version, there is a scene where the Phantom leads Christine down to the caverns below the opera house and at one point he is leading her as she rides on a horse.)


Anonymous said...

Very cute. They're Lunds alright. :)

Molly said...

Interesting choice of scene to reenact. Actually, interesting choice of movie, period.

Lisa said...

Ohhhhh I want to play Phantom of the opera TOOOOOO!!!!!!