Perhaps you noticed the sacrificial Oreo used in my security test. I am happy to report that the Oreo survived -- well, that is, until I ate it. But I was able to eat it ant-free which was the purpose of the entire exercise.
Stupid ants.
We've been at war all year and had casualties on both sides - ants for them; crackers, Nilla wafers and cake mixes for us. And Oreos. Oh! the Oreos! Oreos seem to be a favorite of theirs. And mine!
Stupid ants.
Due to their relentless attacks on our pantry we've had to increasingly transition to plastic containers to the point where we now have more plastic in there than an up-and-coming Hollywood actress.
Unfortunately, not all plastic containers close equally. So we test. And sacrifice.
Stupid ants.
January 2025
3 weeks ago
Wow! I bet you could recommend some good brands of plastic containers! :) Ants are no fun! No critters are fun when they're raiding your food!
And I was sure you were testing your children! I'm more impressed that they didn't eat it.
Aw, bummer! I thought you were testing your kids, too :)
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