There are goods and bads to living in a house. One bad is that you tend to get stuck with crummy neighbors a lot longer. And it's more likely they have pets. Noisy pets. Specifically dogs. That bark. All night long.
I hate dogs. Always have. To quote Left Ear on The Italian Job, "I had a bad experience." Okay, so not nearly as effective as when he said it in the movie. I love that movie. But I hate dogs. Especially when they bark. All night long.
You know what I love? Tylenol PM. It works really fast. Like, under 3 minutes fast. You know what else I love? Hot dogs. They're easy to slit open and stuff things inside.
One good to living in a house is that at night you can throw things over the fence to your neighbor's yard, maybe for their dog or whatever. You can't do that in an apartment.
Another bad thing about living in a house is that you might get stuck with neighbors who like to throw really loud parties. (See here for reference.) It's really bad when they aren't deterred by us calling the cops.
Know what's good, though, about living in a house? All the wires for your electrical are right over your house so you know exactly which ones provide electricity to each house. Know what else is good? When your clever husband knows how to rig the wires to blow the transformer and cut off power, thus very effectively ending loud parties.
Like I said, goods and bads.
January 2025
3 weeks ago
Oh my gosh that's funny. I just hope they don't read this and start a war.
Bring it on.
Woah, seriously? pretty cool...
Oh your neighbors....we remember you having problems with probably some of the same neighbors when we lived in the ward. :)
I wish your husband had been over here Saturday to share his skills.... :-)
I sure am glad I found you on here! I really don't know how to become a follower or anything on this thing as of yet. But this is a fun little married thing to do. And I must say, I like your style...
I've gotta know...did the hotdog/tylenol thing work??
awesome. like I said, 3 minutes to peaceful silence. for us anyway!
That rules
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