A Good Dad is a lot of things... does a lot of things. He loves his kid(s). He spends time with his kid. He makes his kid a priority. He teaches his kid. He helps his kid. He is patient with his kid. He has fun with his kid. He lets his kid help scan the birthday cake at the check-yourself-out place at the store; and when that cake takes a tumble he grabs the cake so that it splats on himself and not his kid; and when the cake finally hits the ground instead of blaming his kid he reassures her so she doesn't feel bad; and to prove it he lets her taste the frosting all over his arm while he cleans up his shirt, his pants, his shoes, the floor, etc.
You know how I know Mark is a good dad? When he and Andrea got home from the store Andrea's comment about the excursion did not involve any mention of screaming, crying, yelling, or getting mad. Instead it was this:
"The frosting on your cake is DEEEEE-licious!"
January 2025
3 weeks ago
I love it! That's better than what I would do with a splatted cake!
That's hilarious. I hope you had a good day.
That last comment just made my day :)
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