Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Holy Crap!

I recently attended a seminar about getting organized.

Totally got jazzed.
Pumped about cleaning up and clearing out and armed with a label-machine, I decided to purge the house and get the place organized.


They say it gets worse before it gets better, right?


Hey, if you don't see me in a couple weeks, could someone please send in Search & Rescue?


Jen said...

I loved your second "...Right?" I'm glad I'm not the only one with clutter to sort through! Good luck!

GaryB said...

Ya' know... it appears to me that most of the clutter consists of things to reduce clutter, hmmm.....

Sally said...

Hey, you still owe me a rather detailed synopsis of that organizing seminar! And now that you are "jazzed", I REALLY want that synopsis! :D