I googled "early teething" and according to the net experts, a kid that cuts a tooth at 3 months is ahead of the game. So what would you call cutting 2 teeth at 6 weeks?
A bit skeptical are you? That's ok. So was my mom. And so was the doc when I called to ask about giving Handsome here some liquid gold --
Me: "Hi Dr. Anne -- I'm calling because my 6 wk old son is cutting a couple teeth and I was wondering if it's okay to give him the infant tylenol."
Doc: "Oh. What makes you think he's teething?"
Me: "I can see them."
Turns out poor kid is too young for drugs. So we have to suffer through with nothing but frozen binkys to get us by. It's going to be a long night.
Still skeptical? Some pictoral proof for all you nay-sayers.
okay, I realize the salivatory shininess makes them hard to see, but they're there. They're the 2 white dots in the middle of his bottom gums, just to the upper left of my thumb.
Weep for him.
*ps: 10 pts to any non-Lund or spouse who can name the movie this comes from
January 2025
3 weeks ago
Poor baby! Good luck.
The Italian Job!
Am I right?
Actually, I was quoting "What's Up Doc?" but Handsome Rob does have a line in Italian Job where he says "Un-Be-Lieveable." Incidentally, both are on my fav movies list.
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