Monday, December 22, 2008


So naming this kid was ridiculously hard. Turns out it still continues to be a problem. Just 2 days ago Andrea told the neighbors that her brother's name was Emmett, "but Daddy and Mommy don't like the name." Today she informed me that we haven't tried the name Alma yet, and thought we should give that name a go.
So Mark calls him Scott.
I call him Hyrum.
His nickname is Handsome.
The girls call him brother, but Andrea has now switched to Alma.
His birth certificate says Emmett,
and one of our friends in the ward calls him Danger (since that was one of my proposed middle names. yes, for real.)

If this kid doesn't end up with an identity complex it will be a miracle.


Amy said...

I love that you call him handsome. That one is by far my favorite :D

Mommydew said...

Can I come up with my own name to call him?! ;)

Sally said...

He'll just feel loved when he realizes everyone is fighting over him! :)