If you've ever gone to or talked with a counselor, chances are they told you to journal. Helps you sort, vent, get perspective, etc.
Maybe they're right.
Just the other day I was in the living room feeding Handsome when I caught a strong whiff of nail polish aroma. And since my hands were at the moment occupied and Mark was at work, the only other explanation was trouble.
I dashed towards the smell and found Lacie on my bathroom floor with the contents of 2 bottles of polish all over her and the floor, counter, cupboard, and toilet seat (not sure how that last one happened).
Now normally I would imagine a parent's reaction to be that of anger with a lot of yelling involved. Usually that would be my reaction, except instead I found myself thinking about how I could turn this situation into a blog post.
Yeah, my kids so owe this whole blogging thing.
January 2025
3 weeks ago
This story reminds me of the time my nephew drank my brothers aftershave!! I was laughing so hard because I found the culprit. But my sister was in hysterics freaking out that he was poisoned and she was too scared to call poison control so I called turned out it was eqivalent to drinking a shot of whiskey so they told us to keep an eye on him because he may get tipsy. huh.. a drunk 2 year old ha!!!
Wow, way to keep your cool :D Sounds like blogging is great for something other than eating all of our time!
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