Tuesday, March 15, 2011


while picking Lacie up from school, she turned to her teacher (helping her into the car) and said:

"It's not fat anymore."
Lacie's teacher: "What's not fat?"
Lacie: "It used to be fat, but then the baby came out, and now it's not fat anymore."
Me: "She's talking about my tummy."

then a few days later...

Lacie: "Mom, your tummy is fat again. It looks like you're going to have another baby."

Thanks, kid.

And here I was feeling all accomplished for dropping 20 lbs in under 2 weeks. Okay, so it's not all that impressive considering the baby was 7.5 lbs and the doc told me I was carrying about 4 qts of water. Annnnd I may have put on, oh, 45 lbs throughout the pregnancy... But still.
And in all fairness, I was not wearing the most flattering of pants.


Aaron and Julie said...

I always gain around 45 lbs during my pregnancies. Besides I still feel like I'm carrying around a baby in my tummy. dumb mom body I will never get use to it

Lisa said...

ah man. Funny Lacie! Maddi asked me couple of times if I had a baby in my tummy again after I had the twins. I know what you're going through :)

Anonymous said...

And in all fairness you were on BED REST! and don't discredit 201bs in 2 weeks woman. Amazing! Can't wait to hold little Jacob.

Emily said...

I always put on 45 lbs when I'm pregnant, too!

Sally T. said...

Yeah... I put on a total of 50 lbs. I've lost 26 so far. Long way to go. I wish you luck! :-) And congratulations again!

Jami said...

Yep, it's happened to me too...and at least your kid is calling you fat instead of some stranger. within earshot.

Tess said...

Kids are brutal!