1. Don't schedule on a day your kids get out of school early. You have to take them all with you.
2. Don't schedule during your 2-yr old's nap time. He will make you pay for it.
3. Don't wear coats. I don't care how cold it is outside. This is Texas, and therefore the offices will crank the heat up to 77 degrees. You will end up a walking coat-rack.
4. Don't trust mapquest's time allotment. They don't factor in getting kids in car seats, finding a parking spot, toddlers running away, etc.
5. Don't forget wipes. They are just as crucial as the extra diaper. Sometimes more-so.
6. Do bring new and exciting entertainment objects for each kid so they're occupied and not whining, fighting, running around, or touching things not meant to be touched. Just don't ask me what the new and exciting stuff is - I clearly haven't figured that out yet.
7. Do make sure your kid actually knows the alphabet when they are given a sight exam. It helps on the accuracy of the exam.
8. Do distract younger siblings who happen to be obsessed with the alphabet during the sight exam. It also helps the accuracy of the exam if little brother isn't calling out the names of the letters before the patient can.
9. Do purchase ahead of time one of those cool hearing amplifier things they sell on tv. That way you can hear the barely audible whisper of the doc, explaining why your kid needs surgery over the commotion of your kids. Of course, if it only amplifies the commotion of your kids and not the doc you're in trouble.
10. Do make sure that if you have an eye appointment you don't go to the dentist and wonder why they don't have you on the schedule. Not only will this save you time, but embarrassment from making the office staff search for 10 mins as to the reason you're not in the system at which time you realize you're at the orthodontist and not opthamologist.
November 2024
3 weeks ago
Sounds like you had some adventure! Is Lacie going to need eye surgery? You just sort of left that hanging out there...
Never a dull moment. I'll try to keep these rules in mind.
Sorry you had a hard day.
Ah, the joys of doctor offices with kids!
Yes, Lacie needs eye surgery. It shouldn't be super intensive - I think. They need to shorten 2 muscles on each eye. Poor kid. I just have to keep telling myself - it could be soooo much worse. And really, it could. :)
you are so full of wisdom. Wish I were there, I would totally help you out and watch those kiddos for you. ::sigh:: if only...
Man, sounds like a fun day :) Actually it sounds like a day in my life I swear! I hope everything works out with Lacie!
Been there, done that. In fact, I've even been in the situation where I went to the wrong office. Worse yet, after I realized I was in the wrong place, I couldn't even remember where I was supposed to be or the name of the doctor! (It was a new place.) Boy, was I embarrassed!
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