Sunday, August 22, 2010


I spent all of last year trying to disband the PTA at the pre-school Andrea attended.
That didn't work out so well.
This year I'm PTA President.
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

While I won't go so far as to call PTA as a whole lame, unnecessary and pointless, I will say that having a PTA at a 1-yr pre-school is pretty ineffective. Especially if that pre-school happens to be the first introduction to the public school system for most of the parents. Who largely don't speak English. And generally don't have a clue about what's going on in the first place. And have their 4-yr olds translating for them. Which is super since, as we all know, 4-yr olds understand everything. And can relay everything with perfect accuracy.

The city of Irving has the most diverse population of all of North Texas. Clifton Pre-school (in Irving) has more than 53 nationalities represented. FIFTY-THREE.
So you can imagine how signing up parents for the PTA would be a whole lot of fun! Know what's even more fun? Meetings! Yay!

So how do I take down this organization?
One suggestion I got last year was to spike the punch at class parties, but I'd rather not go to jail. And I have a sneaky suspicion that might actually get MORE parental involvement...

Any ideas?


me said...

LOOOOVE the new pictures!!!

Mardi said...

sorry no suggestions. that's tough. good luck though! :)

awesome new pictures. you look hot!

Emily said...

Good for you, Jeneatte! (Why can I not spell your name?) I absolutely love your new photos. So good. You guys look great. What a big family! That Hyrum is such a cutie. He look so grown-up!

Amy said...

No advice but I'm loving the new pictures! Oh and you can call my anytime! ;)

Marcie said...

Since I homeschool, I have no PTA advice for you, but it was an interesting read. I agree with you about everything. I was actually wanting to comment on the pictures too. I love them!! I won't say how long I've been waiting for them. :) Haha. But I know how that goes. We rarely get professional portraits and I don't update mine very often either. Y'all are so cute!!! Good luck with the PTA thing. If anyone can do it, you can!

Sally said...

Sorry to say, no suggestions from me, either :) But I love, love, love the pics! Y'all are such a beautiful family. Miss you!!