Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

We are sure grateful for our founding fathers as well as all the brave men & women who have kept our country strong, proud & free. 
In keeping with tradition, we spent our morning watching the City of Irving parade. Wow. Watching that thing, you'd never know we didn't live in a tiny town out in the country somewhere! The floats were mostly sponsored by churches, and we saw more politicians than we did in D.C.! But it's tradition. And we love it. And the kids love the candy. Lots and lots of candy...

Afterwards we went to a nearby park where Hyrum enjoyed watermelon

and the girls got their faces painted.

Too bad we didn't think a little earlier about it being hot, humid, and as soon as the kids got in the car they fell asleep. Do'h.

But they were happy. And Hyrum ended up with a cool balloon.

Hope your day was great!

1 comment:

Marcie said...

My kids are starting to forget things about Irving, but one thing they don't forget is the Fourth of July parade. Every year they talk about it. No such thing here. We miss Irving. Thanks for posting the pictures. I wish I could see more of good ole Irving. It's so hard to remember places when you're gone from it so long.
Congrats on baby #4!!! How exciting! Hope the pregnancy goes well.