Wow. So my last post was August 23rd. Of this same year, but still. It's October 10th. We've had some excitement going on since then and I haven't even taken the time to blog about all our wonderful (and not-so-wonderful) exploits. Shame.
There is a reason, however. It's simple, too.
No, seriously. I have the pills to prove it. Although, I've had the pills for a while now, so I guess that's not much of an excuse for the last month or so. Hmm... I need better pills? Lol
Take today, for example. Well, more like right this second. Life turned to chaos at around 3pm today. Coincidentally, that's the time the girls get home from school. And so do their 2 next-door neighbor friends. With whom they have a love/hate relationship. So they argue and play and fight and run around and cry and boss and laugh and eat and all the while constantly going inside, then outside, then inside, then outside, then inside, then... you get the picture. And of course with all this exciting commotion the boys feel super sad (read: throw tantrums) if they don't get to join in -- inside, then outside, then inside, etc. Problem with that is, well, the boys are 1 and 3. I would need the Great Wall of China along the perimeter of my house to keep them from running off to the street, Taco Bell, or who know's where else. And no, I don't have the Great Wall of China outside. Last I heard from the consulate, they aren't willing to move it. Blast.
So. We're back to chaos and crazy. And did I mention a small, cramped house with WAY more stuff than space? Doesn't help. And being the problem-solver that I am, my first inclination is to go hide in my bed. But there is a smelly diaper afoot. I cannot in good conscience sleep, knowing that my kid is reddening up his cheeks with a healthy dose of diaper rash. Actually, maybe I could. But I wouldn't sleep well thinking about what would happen if the diaper leaked. Drat.
Plan B: blog.
January 2025
3 weeks ago
I love your plan B! I haven't blogged in forever, I'm a
I want to hear about the excitement and non excitement goings ons. And if you're crazy, I'm a lunatic!
Diaper leaks are not fun. Ok. This was more of a blowout. Like ten minutes ago. Up to the shoulders. Full on bath and redressing and carpet cleaning required. The four year old turned on the bath for me and then fled the scene. Thanks, kid!
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