Friday, June 3, 2011

Not! my! fault!

Okay, help. What do I do with a child who is OBSESSED with laying blame for any- and every- thing that happens?!

For example:
This morning, said child went to play barbies in the tall dollhouse. Said child did not notice the barbie yacht parked on top of the dollhouse. Granted, it's not the most conventional parking place. I'll give her that. But it is large. Very noticeable. Yet somehow she didn't notice, opened the dollhouse, and said yacht fell on said child's head. Ouch.
Naturally there was weeping and wailing that ensued, but oddly enough, it was accompanied by very bitter, very loud declarations of fault. At younger sister. For parking the yacht on the house.
Mark and I spent almost all of our patience quota for the day trying to explain how sister's actions were not related to the fall-on-the-head incident, therefore absolving her of any guilt.
The child would not yield.
My head almost exploded.

Seriously, what do I do with that?


GaryB said...

You could always say that it was that dang butterfly in Africa that causes everything, right? Oh, there it goes again - another volcano, Barbie/Ken divorce, whatever...

Net said...

Haha! That's funny. I'll have to try that one.