Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Really?! No, actually, imaginary.

I thought it was bad enough that I was constantly having to intervene between the girls when they fought. Now, apparently, I have 2 more children for whom I have to break up fights: Lacie's imaginary siblings, Jacob and Sara.
Jacob is a trouble-maker.
Sara is a whiner.
Jacob has been banned from the car.
Sara is not allowed at the table.
Jacob constantly teases Andrea. Sara likes to take Hyrum's toys.
And when they fight with each other Andrea gets frustrated and Lacie cries.

Honestly. I did not sign up for this.


Anonymous said...

Those kids really are very bright and cute.

Jessica said...

Quite the imagination. Good luck!

Sally said...

!! Good luck keeping that all straight. You are a good sport :)

GaryB said...

Mmmm! Grandkids! MORE grandkids!

Emily said...

You are so funny, and so are all of your kids. :)