So before Joe & Sally left tonight I asked for their insight and ideas on a dilemma I'm going through that I will now pose to anyone reading this w/ any inkling to answer:
Right now we are struggling with Andrea's behavior and attitude during prayers or anything relating to church for that matter. We used to have a family bedtime routine where we'd sing the 'family song,' do a family-hug, then say family prayer, hugs & kisses, then go to bed. Now when we ask her to help sing the family song she says she just wants to, "Go straight to bed." Not sure what happened to bring on that response. And with prayer she is horrible. Not only can we not get to stay still, but now she gets up and plays and talks and laughs and carries on.
I don't want to make praying a bad experience for her, so I haven't wanted to do any kind of punishment for it. But how do I teach her that it's not okay to be disrespectful during a prayer?
Any thoughts? Anyone?
January 2025
3 weeks ago
Madalyn has started doing the exact same thing! Things we have done and have mostly worked: We had her show a doll how to fold her arms while we prayed, fill in the blank prayer "I am thankful for....(let her fill in the blank), let her say the prayer and we echo her, (and last resort) I get out chocolate chips (5-6)and put them next to me and when the prayer is over she can have them.
I was just going to say don't sweat this Lathen went/is going through this same stage. It use to be cake to have him sit for prayer, now he wants up. A few things we have done: told him about being an example for Kiera and getting him excited for that. Continued without him, then Kevin and I express to each other how sad we are when Lathen isn't reverent. Then if he does decide to be reverent we give HIM tons of praise. And then always as last resort we offer chocolate! haha the tried and true trick of the trade! Not slowly Lathen is getting back to being good during prayer and Kiera is slowly starting to be all over the place!
hey jeanette, sorry, no advice here, but i thought i'd say hi anyway; hope you're doing well in tejas! cheers, erin burton
I talked to my aunt a while ago because we've been having the same problem with Ethan. She told me to just be persistent, let the kids know what's expected, and they will get it eventually. Her kids have become two of the best behaved I've seen (they are 14 & 9 now), even though her son started out just like E.
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