You can only type 3 words // Not as easy as you may think.
1. Your full name?
Jeanette (blank) Viehweg
2. Boyfriend/girlfriend?
Husband: Mark William
3. Your hair?
constantly changes color
4. Your sister(s)?
I have 4
5. Your brother(s)?
Jon and Barney
6. Your favorite thing?
Reese's peanutbutter cups
7. Your dream last night?
Pluto and micro-machines
8. Your favorite drink?
I love soda
9.Your dream car?
forest green Jag
10. The room you're in?
11. Your ex?
live in TX
12. Your fear?
big, hairy spiders
14. Where were you last night?
David and Emily's
15. What you're not right now?
feeling super motivated
16. Muffins?
only the top
17. One of your wish list items?
my house finished
18. Where you grew up?
in the middle
19. The last thing you did?
read Lacie's book
20. What are you wearing?
my comfy clothes
21. Your TV?
Mark's from college
22.Your pet or pets?
I'm anti pet
23. Your computer?
we're Mac fans
24. Your Life?
crazy and disfunctional
25.Your Mood?
a little down
26. Missing someone?
all my family
28. Your car?
Mark uses it
29. Your work?
is never finished
31. Like someone?
I like everyone!
32. Your favorite color?
based on mood
33. When is the last time you laughed?
Ha! Ha! Ha!
34. Tag some people
Joni, Lisa, Barney
January 2025
3 weeks ago
Can you be tagged if you've already been tagged? Or can you just say "refer to previous"? Your husband's middle name is my dad's first name! How cool is that? And I'm so with you on the Reese's cups!!! YUM! Oh man Applebee's use to have Reese's cheese cake, it was so awesome! :)
I learned a lot about you - how fun!
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