Recently blog-reading has led me to this interesting challenge I thought might be interesting to take. It's to list 100 things about myself. So here goes:
1. I'm an all-or-nothing kinda gal.
2. I worry way too much about things out of my control.
3. I'm a control freak.
4. I like to change my hair. A lot. Frequently. Drastically.
5. I don't consider it a real hair-cut unless I see piles of hair on the floor. (see #4)
6. I secretly believe I have multiple personality disorder.
7. I'm pretty sure I have ADD.
8. I have no fear of talking in front of people.
9. I direct the ward choir and I like it.
10. I think I'm a pretty good driver.
11. I hate bad drivers.
12. I'm really bad at finishing projects.
13. I own a Miss Universe-sized crown.
14. I love the color pink.
15. I love to make 'To Do' lists, but I never follow them.
16. Laundry is my enemy.
17. Dinner is my nemesis.
18. I think I make an awesome teacher.
19. I'm way too good of a liar.
20. I am an emotionally-based being.
21. Good words to describe me: dynamic, intense, animated, shy.
22. I have very low self-confidence.
23. I worry way too much about what others think.
24. I have credits from 4 different Universities.
25. I got my Associate's degree in 1 school year.
26. Nigun by Bloch is my signature piece.
27. I graduated from Massage Therapy school but never got licensed.
28. I'd rather get a massage than give one.
29. I'm a fairly selfish person.
30. I have to eat my words on a daily basis when it comes to child-rearing.
31. I once had an anxiety attack so severe that I made Mark go to our neighbors' houses at 2 am and warn them not to pretend to rob our house as a joke.
32. And then set booby-traps just in case.
33. I try to write funny emails about my life.
34. I want to write a book, but I never can figure out what I should write about.
35. I wish I were a soprano. Alas, I am not.
36. I need to lose a significant amount of weight and I am horribly ashamed by it.
37. I hate being disliked by anyone - even if I dislike them.
38. I don't have to be right, but you have to prove me wrong.
39. I love interior design, but I did poorly in my interior design class.
40. I am the most disorganized organizational freak.
41. I love labels.
42. I love sparkly things.
43. I don't have a lot of self-discipline.
44. I have the classic middle-child syndrome.
45. Patience is not something I have much of.
46. I've had insomnia since high school.
47. I broke my tailbone in 2 places giving birth. I fear it will never heal.
48. One of my deepest fears is to be considered "white trash."
49. No matter how hard I try I can't stop comparing myself to others.
50. My kids have WAY too many clothes, and I love it!
51. I don't believe in global warming.
52. I could watch movies all day long.
53. I am a closet-Dr. Pepper drinker.
54. I wish I could claim I was a Southern Belle.
55. I dream almost every night.
56. My sister lives in a house I literally drew the blueprints for when I was 11.
57. I stay up way too late at night.
58. I hate yard art.
59. I am constantly haunted by past dumb decisions/actions.
60. Sometimes I daydream about heroically saving an auditorium of people from some crazed lunatic.
61. I don't like reading books I don't love, and if I love it I have to read it all in one sitting, regardless of the size.
62. I am a grammar nazi, but it's usually just in my head because I've had complaints.
63. I stink at Boggle.
64. I am a coward when it comes to pain.
65. I think sleeping babies are the most beautiful sight ever.
66. I need to be needed.
67. I hate that I'm pretty lazy.
68. I like buying toys more than my kids like playing with them.
69. I'm not angry, I'm ANIMATED.
70. My "perfect pitch" went 1/4-step flat and I had to work like crazy to correct it.
71. I don't let my kids play outside enough.
72. I hate doing 'prep work.' If I'm going to do something I just want to dive in and do it.
73. Office supply stores make me happy.
74. I am not a knick-knack-y person.
75. My last job was to foreclose on people's homes.
76. Jealousy is something I struggle with.
77. For some reason I have a ridiculously hard time mailing things - even if they're in the envelope, stamped and addressed.
78. I usually think of awesome 'come-backs' 2 mins too late.
79. I went to Ricks College because I thought it was a party school. I didn't realize they even had an honor code.
80. I once found out in a geneology class that I was related to my boyfriend at the time.
81. I've never seen it rain in Seattle, and I've been there many times.
82. I'm addicted to the Twilight series to the extent that I had to have a friend remove them from my house so I could start living in reality again.
83. I am terrified about our country's future.
84. I am devastated that Mitt Romney dropped out of the race.
85. Taking showers is a dangerous time of the day for me.
86. I'm not a racist, but I am a "culture-ist."
87. I wish I could type faster.
88. My favorite food is pizza.
89. My blood type is o+.
90. I am almost done putting our family 72-hr kits together and I am dang proud of it!
91. I love writing with Sharpee markers.
92. I am semi-ambidextrous.
93. I talk on the phone way too much.
94. I gained a testimony of the gospel in 9th grade because of a Geometry test.
95. Having a full pantry of food makes me feel safe.
96. I'm not half bad in the kitchen.
97. I need a lot of reassurance/praise.
98. I don't feel satisfied talking about something until I've told 3 people.
99. I hate using hand lotion.
100. I love attention.
There. Much harder than I thought. Now you try.
November 2024
3 weeks ago
Wow, that was cool. Very interesting too and some I could simply copy and paste! I'll have to give it a whorl when I get some time...hmm may not happen...
That was fun to read. How long did it take? When I get time I would like to go through it and mark the ones that are the same for me. I'm guessing I'll get 60% or more.
Loved it! You are so fascinating!I'll have to attempt it! I'm not sure I could come up with 100.
Wow! Impressive list! What happened to your "100 Amazings"? ;) I don't know that I'm even patient enough to sit and make such a long list. ha!
OK, that came out wrong--what I mean is, I'm impressed with your list and I don't know that I could sit that long to make one similar.
Second, what happened to the "other" list? :D
I love your blog. It's alot of fun!! I took your challenge today and did the same for me! It was fun. Hope we can be blog buddies!
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