Tonight I gave the ultimate "Christmas is NOT about YOU!" lecture to the girls. It was classic. Starting with dragging the crying kids from the store into the car, it included finger-wagging and ended with the threat of coal and/or canceling Christmas.
And even though I'm fairly certain I threaten to call the Big Man and tell him to pass us by each year, this year was different. This year I had hopes -- maybe even expectations? -- of having a delightful, loving Christmas where the kids happily pick out presents for each other (new this year) and are excited to bring joy to their siblings.
This is what I pictured:

This is what I got:

Granted, any other time of the year I would never be so foolish as to attempt to go to a TOY store WITH children and expect them to NOT pick out everything on the shelves for themselves and then try to get me to swear a blood oath that I WILL purchase the item for them if not in front of them at that precise moment then at some other time THAT evening and then collapse into a fit of disappointment, despair and fury when I finally have had enough and demand we leave the store RIGHT NOW...
Ahh, don't you love the holidays?
In other news,
I found this pic and cannot stop laughing about it:

I despise shopping in December! Add kids to that WITH a toy aisle included and it could easily send anyone to the asylum.
Jon wanted me to take the kids shopping so they could buy gifts for each other. Since that would involve the kids either being out of school (so late afternoon or evening, which = bad shopping time) I opted to buy things on the kids' wish lists and then have them "shop" at home. They looked at their sibling's wish list and chose something they wanted to give them. I magically pulled that item out of my bag and let them choose wrapping paper and trimmings. Ahhhh. I had Andrew help me choose something online for Adam, which was also painless. That works for me.
Jon still doesn't think it's cool enough, but I told him that he is welcome to take the kids shopping... though they have already taken care of sibling gifts. I think you guys really loved that tradition growing up!
You're right -- I think we all have fond memories of going to the store and getting presents for each other. I don't remember ever not going. Although, now that I think about it, I can also remember some pretty crazy times too! Winter, cold, snow, traffic, lots of kids, small car... yeah, I'm pretty sure my mom was either a saint or a little nutty -- or both!
LOL (about the twilight moms)
Here's what you need: you can put in some info and create a video from Santa himself (very cute actually)
Your posts never cease to entertain. Thanks for the laugh tonight!
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