Dear Ms. Newton,
we have torn the house apart trying to find Andrea's folder, but it is nowhere to be found. I have sent a new folder as a replacement.
Andrea is completely overwhelmed and distressed over this tragedy.
And though I have assured her that the doom and destruction of the world is not imminent and that she should go to school regardless, if I should be wrong and the world comes to pieces I do so apologize.
Andrea's concerned parent
January 2025
3 weeks ago
I hope you seriously sent this note to school with Andrea :D But I'm sorry if she turns out to be a stress case like me, even in elementary school! :S Good luck.
Haha, this reminds me...
One time I left my text book in my elementary school cubbie and I couldn't do my English homework. I cried and cried until my dad took me to the school at nine thirty at night and we banged on the door until a janitor opened up and let us in.
It was more of the fear of being in trouble than anything else that had me worried. I relate to Andrea. :)
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